chevron_right News(24.04.24)
・ゴールデンウィーク期間中は、4月27日(土)、28日(日)、29日(月)、5月2日(木)、3日(金)、4日(土)、5日(日)営業の 予定です。
I've been changing the exhibits in my studio gallery. SSS gallery for past couple month.. . . .Now finally it’s finished.
This gallery is a place where you can see works mainly by contemporary and traditional ceramic artists in Shigaraki, including artists working at the Share Studio, as well as works and products created in collaboration with manufacturers in the area. Thank you for your support.
・Business days; weekends and holidays. From 11:00 to 16:00
Please contact us to make a reservation for other days.
・During Golden Week, We are scheduled to be open on April 27th (Sat.), 28th (Sun), 29th (Mon.), May 2nd (Thu.), 3rd (Fri.), 4th (Sat.),
5th (Sun).